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Have dinner with us in NY! (Oversubscribed Weekly #12)

January 29, 2019 by Max

Max here. Today, we’re going to switch up our format a little bit and share links to a few brief articles. We’re also going to try something exciting next month: our first in-person meetup for the Oversubscribed community. (Oversubscribers? Oversubscribians? Let us know if you have any cool nickname ideas.)

There are only two stages to any company.
I’ll confess, when I first read the title of this post I was sure it was going to be annoying clickbait. But I actually really enjoyed the simple heuristic that the author, Paul Singh, uses to break all companies into these two stages. Like any heuristic, it’s oversimplified, but still useful. Read the post

What it’s like to pursue a dream for 30 years—and fail.
One of the hardest questions a founder can ever face is knowing when to give up. The boundary between holding tight to your convictions and refusing to acknowledge what the market is telling you isn’t always clear, and it can be easy to believe success is right around the corner—even if it’s been “right around the corner” for years. That’s why I really empathized with this article about Keahi Seymour, an entrepreneur who’s been trying to build and sell the “bionic boot”—a boot that lets you run extra-fast, like an ostrich—since he was twelve.

I mean, seriously though—check out these boots:

Read the post.

Have dinner with us.
We’re trying something new in February: hosting a dinner for a select batch of Oversubscribed readers in New York. Our goal is to bring together a small group of early-stage founders to swap war stories and see how we might be able to help each other out.

We’re really excited about building Oversubscribed into something much more than just a book and weekly newsletter, and dinners like this are the first step. If you’re interested in joining us for the first dinner on Friday, February 22nd, fill out this quick application form. We can’t wait!

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